Data your browser knows: JavaScript

This page shows data your browser knows. Commands (script) in a web page can tell your browser to display some of that data or give it to other computers, or use it to control what is displayed. Those commands can be written in a computer language called JavaScript. Most people do not consider this data too personal to share. But if you do, you can tell your browser not to follow those commands.

Table of Contents of this page

window object


window.screen object

window.history object

window.document and HTMLDocument objects

An object called "all" within the document object adhers to a standard called the Document Object Model (DOM). That object contains the document itself. The method of using a script to changes itself, is called "Dynamic HTML (DHTML)".

window.document.body object

window.document.documentElement object

window.location and window.document.location objects

clientInformation and navigator (browser) objects

Scripting language built-in objects

Error objects

Date object: var x = new Date();

Math object

Number object

Script Engine functions

Conditional compilation variables

Other objects

var x =

x = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

Browser plug-ins

Scripting language information

The scripts in this page are written in ECMAScript, the ECMA 262 scripting language specification (3rd Edition, December 1999). Netscape calls their implementation "JavaScript". Microsoft calls their implementation "JScript". (JScript scripts can run only within a supporting host environment such as Microsoft's Active Server Pages, Internet Explorer, or Windows Script Host.)

For information on ECMAScript, see:

For other examples of using JavaScript to get data, see:

To do

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