Why is this page Pink?
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Be a Sheep. Wear it.
Sheep Brand Products is proud to introduce it's new clothing line; Ewe! 2007 will be all about Ewe! What makes Ewe different? We don't just make clothes, we make Futurized Urban Garments (F.U.G). More pockets to hold all you tech toys and hidden tubes to run your wires through. We even have a human powered recharge system that will allow you to charge your iPod & cell phone while walking, running or dancing by using static electricity. Who said polyester wasn't cool!Right now we can't give our stuff away, but once we get some big name stars to wear it we know that you will all want to become Sheep and wear it as well. That is why we are currently in negotiations with some of the top names in the industry to get them to wear our products. Soon if you ask Christinia, 50 Cents, or that Hilton chick about thier clothes they will look at you and say 'F.U.G. Ewe'.

Our accounting firm asked how we will be able to afford paying $1,000,000 to some big name star. The answer is really quite simple. We know that all of you future Sheep will gladly pay $20 for a t-shirt just like the one that big name star wears. Since it only cost us $1.50 to make the shirt (by employing third world child labor), and we sell it to the stores for $10 that means that we make $8.50 for every shirt. All we need to sell is 18,000 shirts and we have made our money back. Once we get them on to MTV and into WalMart we are guaranteedto sell at least 100,000.
We are also looking to team up with MySpace. That seems like such a natural market for Sheep Brand Products.
One of our other big marketing moves is to give $50 gift certificates to the head cheerleaders at all high schools in the US. Researchshows us that that $50 of advertising on a hawt girl's body will make us more then $1000 in sales over the next 6 months. And each one of the people who buys a shirt or pair of pants is just more advertising for us. And all of that secondary advertising is them paying us for the right to promote our product.
We are also looking at coming out with clubwear under the name Mii using the Japanese/Sony pronunciation. These will also continue the F.U.G. styling. Keep your ears open for people to be demanding 'F.U.G. Mii' in the near future.
Be a Sheep. Wear it.